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<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Response.Expires = 0 %> <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file="iito.inc"--> <% else %> <% ' strings for localization Const L_ACCESSDENIED_TEXT="Access Denied" Const L_ENTERINT_ERRORMESSAGE="Please enter an integer." Const L_UNSAVEDCHANGES_ERRORMESSAGE="You have unsaved changes. Save now?" Const L_VIRTUALSERVERID_TEXT="Web Site Identification" Const L_WORKINGSERVER_TEXT="Warning! You are changing a property on the site you are currently connected to, and may disable your remote session." Const L_MULTIBINDING_TEXT="This resource has multiple bindings" Const L_HOSTHEADER_TEXT="Host header name:" Const L_DESCRIPTION_TEXT="Description:" Const L_IPADDRESS_TEXT="IP address:" Const L_TCPPORT_TEXT="TCP port:" Const L_SSLPORT_TEXT="SSL port:" Const L_UNLIMITED_TEXT="Unlimited" Const L_LIMITTO_TEXT="Limit to:" Const L_CONNPARAMS_TEXT="Connection" Const L_MAXCON_TEXT="Maximum connections:" Const L_CONNTIMEOUT_TEXT="Connection timeout:" Const L_SECONDS_TEXT="seconds" Const L_ADVANCED_TEXT="Advanced..." Const L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT="(All Unassigned)" Const L_CONNECTIONS_TEXT="connections" Const L_LOGGING_TEXT="Enable Logging" Const L_LOGFORMAT_TEXT="Active log format:" Const L_NONEINSTALLED_TEXT = " [No logging modules are currently installed] " Const L_EDIT_TEXT = "Properties..." Const DEFAULTPORT = 80 Const L_DEFAULTMAXCONNECTIONS_NUM = 1000 Const L_CHGBINDING_TEXT="WARNING!\r\rYou are modifying the bindings of the server you are currently connected to. Changing these bindings will result In you loosing connection to this site.\r\rAre you sure you want to continue?" Const L_SAVING_TEXT="Saving..." 'On Error Resume Next Dim blanks,path,currentobj, ipport, ipaddress, readonly,i, multibind, oWebService path=Session("spath") Session("path")=path Session("SpecObj")=path Session("SpecProps")="ServerBindings" Set currentobj=GetObject(path) blanks="" for i=0 to 23 blanks=blanks & " " Next %> <!--#include file="iiset.inc"--> <!--#include file="iibind.inc"--> <% function writeBinding(fieldname,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim aBinding, aSecBinding Dim Binding Dim SecBinding Dim host,ipport, ipaddress, secport, j aBinding=currentobj.ServerBindings if Session("vtype") = "svc" then multibind = false readonly = true Binding=getBinding(aBinding(0)) else if aBinding(0) <> "" then 'global readonly variable... multibind=(UBound(aBinding)>0) readonly = multibind Binding=getBinding(aBinding(0)) else readonly=false aBinding(0)=":" & DEFAULTPORT & ":" Binding=getBinding(aBinding(0)) end if end if if fieldname="Host" then host=Binding(2) if readonly then if host="" then host="(none)" end if writeBinding=host else writeBinding=inputbox(err,"hidden","hdnHost",host,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,False) end if elseif fieldname="IPPort" then ipport=Binding(1) if readonly then if ipport="" then ipport=DEFAULTPORT end if writeBinding=ipport else writeBinding=inputbox(err,"TEXT","hdnPort",ipport,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,False) end if elseif fieldname="IPAddress" then ipaddress=Binding(0) if ipaddress="" then ipaddress=L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT end if if readonly then writeBinding=ipaddress else writeBinding=inputbox(err,"TEXT","hdnIPA",ipaddress,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,True,adminonly,False) end if elseif fieldname="SecureBinding" then secPort="" aSecBinding=currentobj.SecureBindings if aSecBinding(0) <> "" then arraybound=UBound(aSecBinding) for j=0 to arraybound SecBinding=getBinding(aSecBinding(0)) if SecBinding(0)=Binding(0) then secPort=SecBinding(1) exit for end if Next end if if readonly then writeBinding=secPort else writeBinding=inputbox(err,"TEXT","hdnSecBinding",secPort,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,False) end if end if end function function allBindings() dim sBinding,sBindingList for each sBinding in currentobj.ServerBindings sBindingList = sBindingList & sBinding & "," next allBindings = sBindingList end function function writeLogTypes(fieldname,value, id, adminonly) On Error Resume Next if id = currentobj.Get("LogPluginClsid") then writeLogTypes="<OPTION SELECTED VALUE='" & id & "'>" & value else writeLogTypes="<OPTION VALUE='" & id & "'>" & value end if end function %> <html> <head> <title></title> <script language="JavaScript"> var Global=top.title.Global; Global.helpFileName="iipy"; Global.siteProperties = true; function warnWrkingSite() { if (top.title.nodeList[Global.selId].isWorkingServer) { alert("<%= L_WORKINGSERVER_TEXT %>"); } } function SetBinding(){ if (top.title.nodeList[top.title.Global.selId].isWorkingServer){ if (!confirm("<%= L_CHGBINDING_TEXT %>")){ document.userform.hdnIPA.value=document.userform.hdnhdnIPA.value document.userform.hdnPort.value=document.userform.hdnhdnPort.value return; } } if (document.userform.hdnIPA.value == "<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT%>"){ hdnIPA = ""; } else{ hdnIPA = document.userform.hdnIPA.value; } document.userform.ServerBindings.value=hdnIPA + ":" + document.userform.hdnPort.value + ":" + document.userform.hdnHost.value; document.userform.hdnhdnIPA.value=hdnIPA; document.userform.hdnhdnPort.value=document.userform.hdnPort.value; if (hdnIPA == "") { document.userform.hdnIPA.value = "<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT%>"; } } function isNum(txtcntrl,min,max) { str=txtcntrl.value; for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) { num = parseInt(str.substring(i,i+1)); if (isNaN(num)){ alert("Please enter an integer."); return false; } } num = str; if (min != ""){ if (num < min) { alert("Please enter an integer greater than " + (min-1) + "."); return false; } } if (max != ""){ if (num > max) { alert("Please enter an integer less than " + (max + 1) + "."); return false; } } return true; } function SetMaxConn(){ curval=parseInt(document.userform.hdnMaxConnections.value); if (document.userform.rdoMaxConnections[0].checked){ document.userform.MaxConnections.value=2000000000; } else{ document.userform.MaxConnections.value=document.userform.hdnMaxConnections.value; } } function setState(mState,mControl){ <% if Session("Browser") = "IE4" then %> mControl.disabled = ! mState; <% end if %> } function setLogType(logCntrl,hdncntrl){ if (logCntrl.checked){ hdncntrl.value = 1; } else{ hdncntrl.value = 0; } } function setLogUIType(logCntrl){ var logName = logCntrl.options[logCntrl.selectedIndex].text; var logType = ""; if (logName.indexOf("Ext") > -1){ logType = "EXT"; } if (logName.indexOf("ODBC") > -1) { logType = "ODBC"; } top.connect.location.href = "iisess.asp?setLogUI=" + logType; } function popBox(title, width, height, filename){ thefile=(filename + ".asp"); thefile="iipop.asp?pg="+thefile; <% if Session("Browser") <> "IE3" then %> width=width +25; height=height + 50; <% end if %> popbox=window.open(thefile,title,"toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,directories=no,menubar=no,width="+width+",height="+height); if(popbox !=null){ if (popbox.opener==null){ popbox.opener=self; } } } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" topmargin="5" text="#000000" STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <form name="userform"> <b><%= L_VIRTUALSERVERID_TEXT %></b> <blockquote> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= L_DESCRIPTION_TEXT %> </font> </td> <td valign="bottom" colspan="2"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= text("ServerComment",25,"","","",false,false) %> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="bottom"><FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1><%= L_IPADDRESS_TEXT %></font></td> <td valign="bottom"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= writeBinding("IPAddress",15,"","","warnWrkingSite();SetBinding();",true,true) %> <input type="hidden" name="ServerBindings" value="<%= allBindings() %>"> </font> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <% if Session("isAdmin") then %> <% if Session("FONTSIZE")="LARGE" then %> <input type="button" name="hdnAdvanced" value="<%= L_ADVANCED_TEXT %>" onclick="popBox('Advanced',595,375,'iimlti');"> <% else %> <input type="button" name="hdnAdvanced" value="<%= L_ADVANCED_TEXT %>" onclick="popBox('Advanced',470,325,'iimlti');"> <% end if %> <% end if %> <% end if %> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="bottom"><FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1><%= L_TCPPORT_TEXT %></font></td> <td valign="bottom"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= writeBinding("IPPort",5,"","","warnWrkingSite();isNum(this,0,9999);SetBinding();",true,true) %> <%= writeBinding("Host",5,"","","warnWrkingSite();SetBinding();",true,true) %> </font> </td> </tr> <% if Session("isAdmin") then %> <% if multibind then %> <tr> <td valign="bottom" colspan="4"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> (<%= L_MULTIBINDING_TEXT %>) </font> </td> </tr> <% end if %> <% end if %> </table> </blockquote> <hr> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <b><%= L_CONNPARAMS_TEXT %></b> <blockquote> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= printradio("MaxConnections", (currentobj.MaxConnections >=2000000000), "SetMaxConn();setState(!this.checked,document.userform.hdnMaxConnections);",true) %> <%= L_UNLIMITED_TEXT %> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= printradio("MaxConnections", (currentobj.MaxConnections < 2000000000), "SetMaxConn();setState(this.checked,document.userform.hdnMaxConnections);",true) %> <%= L_LIMITTO_TEXT %> <input type="hidden" name="MaxConnections" value="<%= currentobj.MaxConnections %>"> </font> </td> <td valign="bottom"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <% if (currentobj.MaxConnections < 2000000000) then %> <%= inputbox(0,"TEXT","hdnMaxConnections",currentobj.MaxConnections,10,"","", "isNum(this,1,2000000001);SetMaxConn();",false,True,False) %> <% else %> <%= inputbox(0,"TEXT","hdnMaxConnections",L_DEFAULTMAXCONNECTIONS_NUM,10,"","", "isNum(this,1,2000000001);SetMaxConn();",false,True,False) %> <% end if %> </td> <td valign="middle"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= L_CONNECTIONS_TEXT %> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"><FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1><%= L_CONNTIMEOUT_TEXT %> </font></td> <td valign="bottom"> <%= text("ConnectionTimeout",10,"","", "isNum(this,1,2147483646);",True,True) %> </td> <td valign="middle"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= L_SECONDS_TEXT %> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="4"></td> </tr> </table> </blockquote> </font> <hr> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <% On Error Resume Next Dim LoggingModules,noLogging, Module, InfoNode, AvailMods Set LoggingModules = GetObject("IIS://localhost/logging") Set InfoNode = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/Info") AvailMods = InfoNode.LogModuleList if err <> 0 then noLogging = True end if %> <% if noLogging then %> <img align="top" src="images/checkoff.gif" width="13" height="13"> <% else %> <% if currentobj.LogType = 1 then %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnLogType" checked OnClick = "setLogType(this,document.userform.LogType);setState(this.checked,document.userform.hdnBtnLogProps);setState(this.checked,document.userform.LogPlugInClsid);top.title.Global.updated=true;"> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnLogType" OnClick = "setLogType(this,document.userform.LogType);setState(this.checked,document.userform.hdnBtnLogProps);setState(this.checked,document.userform.LogPlugInClsid);top.title.Global.updated=true;"> <% end if %> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LogType" VALUE="<%= currentobj.LogType %>"> <% end if %> <%= L_LOGGING_TEXT %> <blockquote> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="1"> <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <%= L_LOGFORMAT_TEXT %> <select size="1" name="LogPlugInClsid" onchange="setLogUIType(this);"> <% if noLogging then Response.write "<OPTION>" & L_NONEINSTALLED_TEXT & "</OPTION>" else For Each Module in LoggingModules If InStr(AvailMods, Module.Name) Then Response.write writeLogTypes("LogPluginClsid", Module.Name, Module.LogModuleId,false) End If Next end if %> </select> </font> </td> <td><FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1> <% if not noLogging then %> <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %> <input type="button" name="hdnBtnLogProps" value="<%= L_EDIT_TEXT %>" onclick="popBox('LogDetail',450,400,'iilog');"> <% else %> <input type="button" name="hdnBtnLogProps" value="<%= L_EDIT_TEXT %>" onclick="popBox('LogDetail',400,400,'iilog');"> <% end if %> <% end if %> </FONT> </td> </tr> </table> </blockquote> </form> </font> <% if not noLogging then %> <script language="JavaScript"> setState(document.userform.rdoMaxConnections[1].checked,document.userform.hdnMaxConnections); setState(document.userform.hdnLogType.checked,document.userform.LogPlugInClsid); setState(document.userform.hdnLogType.checked,document.userform.hdnBtnLogProps) setLogUIType(document.userform.LogPlugInClsid) </script> <% end if %> </body> </html> <% end if %>